HTML - SexMachine [Ch.1 v1.2] [SupremeAI]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    As has been said, very reminiscent of the company (sinister organization hellbent on sexual dominance) but with paywalled girls and wayyyy more grind.

    I was intrigued but this game is too slow of a burn for my tastes.

    Sleeping each night should refill your energy, you shouldn't need to eat to do so.
    Unless this guy uses a cup of shower gel each time he showers, shower kit should last weeks, not a couple of days.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty solid start. You have a gameplay loop wich remembers me a little of the company. ( not so advanced though ) And some decent Modells and Scenes.
    My advice would be to reduce the grind just a little and add a little more personal characters. ( landlady and stuff )

    As it is rn you can have some fun but no long term motivation wich is the reason its 4 not 5 stars
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    The game has at least a relitivly fleshed out gameplay loop, you grind sex juice. Give it to test subject. Get a sex scene, made up of porn vids. With very little in the way to make this game actually "Pop!"

    That's really it. The writing is poor to point where considering the name of the games maker I am wondering if it just AI generated. There's about a hundred games that do this sort of gameplay loob, and most do it better.

    I hope in a few month's I'll change this review and they'll be something that will actually make this game stand out and be worth playing, till then though its just bland.